Su efficacia del cashback di Stato e l’ultimo Decreto Ristori.
Categoria: Articoli e interviste
Senza crescita non c’è sostenibilità
Perché non ha senso parlare di cancellazione del debito
LiberiOltre, conversazione con Emilio Rossi, 14 dicembre 2020
PNRR: there is a vision; now it has to be translated into projects
by Lorenzo Codogno e Giampaolo Galli, Il Sole24Ore, 11 dicembre 2020
The NRRP – National Recovery and Resilience Plan for the use of funds from the Next Generation EU – is a document that affects almost all areas of the Italian economy and society. As such, it lends itself to being judged from multiple points of view. It is understandable that the different political and social forces, as well as scholars, focus on the things that are not right in order to intervene to correct them.
Many have criticised the plan because of its governance. It seems to introduce a parallel structure that is independent or perhaps complementary to that of the various competent administrations. Others focused on the lack of concreteness of many of the strategic actions of the plan.
Leggi tutto “PNRR: there is a vision; now it has to be translated into projects”The reform of the ESM is not perfect, but for Italy, it can only have advantages
by Lorenzo Codogno and Giampaolo Galli
Almost two and a half years ago, we expressed on these columns some fears about the preparatory work for the reform of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), and in particular on the Franco-German Meseberg declaration, which provided the reference framework for the reform then submitted to the Euro summit on June 28, 2018
Leggi tutto “The reform of the ESM is not perfect, but for Italy, it can only have advantages”